De familieroman van analysant en analyticus
The psychoanalytic situation, according to the American-British psychoanalyst Christopher Bollas, is a situation in which two people select narrative and mental objects so as to bring about inner states in one another. It is a situation of play in which the analysand, as well as the analyst are moved and played as each other’s internal objects by means of preconscious and conscious, but in particular by unconscious fantasies and desires, which find expression in a characteristic idiom. In this article we set out to illustrate how the psychoanalyst can understand the analysand’s fantasies and idiom only if he allows himself to be played upon and analysed by both the other’s internal objects and his own. In this way, via a mutual family romance, the analysand’s family romance may reveal itself, and the psychoanalytic situation emerges as a space filled with developmental potential (Winnicott’s potential space) for both the analysand and the analyst.
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