Lichamelijkheid en affect bij psychosomatiek
Recent literature on affect is discussed from the point of view of its contribution to the understanding and treatment of psychosomatics. First, central theoretical tenets of one of the most important writers on psychosomatics, Joyce McDougall, are summarized. She emphasizes the importance of containment of primitive affective communication: carrying (‘dragen’) and giving sense (‘betekenis geven’) (Cluckers). How elaboration of ‘contained’ affective communication becomes possible, and the importance of this process in the building up of psychosomatic well-being of children, is shown from a developmental point of view; also the extent to which psychic elaboration remains difficult for children who react in a psychosomatic way. Stress is laid on the importance of investing the body (‘lichamelijkheid’) in affective communication, as a prerequisite for a meaningful verbal story about one’s self. It is especially difficult for psychosomatic patients to build up a living relationship to their own bodies and to work with the fantasizing power of the unconscious as well as to recognize the affects felt in the body and find words for these bodily feelings. Consideration is also given to the fact that, in psychosomatic states, the affectively experienced body and the spoken body no longer enrich each other. The importance of the French author André Green in connection with bodily experience, affect, language and psychosomatics is indicated.
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