Lichamelijkheid en affect bij psychosomatiek
In this article on the treatment of psychosomatic disorders in children, the impact of bodily felt countertransference on the patient’s facility for primitive affective communication is described. Countertransference feelings are an important indicator for the confusing and often foreclosed affects of the patient. If the therapist can contain the feelings foreclosed by the patient, then these feelings can be reintegrated by the patient in a less overwhelming and hence more constructive and meaningful way.
Two aspects of psychoanalytic psychotherapy with psychosomatic patients require attention. First, there is the process of coming to feel the vital and living body as an affective object. Second, there is the finding of meaning for this affectively sensed body. In both aspects, body and language are interwoven.
The present article illustrates these two aspects in the therapeutic processes concerning two children, both suffering from psychosomatic illness, but with different traits: the one neurotic, the other borderline.
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