Psychische ruimte bij eenmalig seksueel trauma
The overwhelming psychic pain of trauma can be unbearable to such a degree that feeling, thinking and symbolising are no longer possible. A part of psychic space has been secluded, the trauma encapsulated. The reintegration of this secluded part of the psychic space will be an important but very difficult aspect of the therapeutic process.
The ambivalence of the child’s attitude towards reintegration of the secluded trauma will often be difficult to handle therapeutically. Both anxious repulsion of as well as fascinated attraction by the trauma will be prevalent. Caught between these two forces the traumatised child becomes immobilised.
The therapist will have to focus on this ambivalence. Focusing on the fact that something is secluded precedes the working through of what is secluded – the traumatic experience itself and the feelings and memories associated with it.
This article illustrates the vicissitudes of the therapeutic relation in the beginning phase of the treatment of a ten-year-old girl who has been kidnapped and sexually traumatised by strangers.
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