Psychoanalytisch indiceren en onderzoek: de Rorschach-inktvlekkentest volgens het Comprehensive System nader bekeken
Psychoanalytical assessment and research: a closer look at the Rorschach test according to the Comprehensive System
The Rorschach assessment method by means of the Comprehensive System is introduced. The CS is an empirically based interpretative method developed by John Exner, with proven validity on a par with that of the MMPI. Using an unvalidated method has the disadvantage that it shows rather more what is in the mind of the tester than the tested. For this reason the Rorschach test, based on the CS, plays a central role in psychoanalytical assessment and research programs designed to evaluate treatment outcome. It can also be very useful in validating psychoanalytical concepts. Some fruitful research programs show that a psychoanalytical concept like object relations has good construct validity.
Key words:
comprehensive System, psychoanalytical assessment, psychoanalytical construct validity, Rorschach interpretation method, therapy outcome research
- Blatt, S.J. & Lerner, H. (1983). The psychological Assessment of Object Representation. Journal of Personality Assessment, 47, 7-27.
- Burns, B., Viglione, D.J. & Perry, W. (1991). The Rorschach Human Experience Variable, interpersonal relatedness and object representation in nonpatients. Psychological Assessment, 8, 92- 99.
- Exner, J.E. jr: (2000). A primer for Rorschach interpretation. Asheville NC: Rorschach Workshops.
- Exner, J.E. jr e.a. (2001). A Rorschach workbook for the Comprehensive System, fifth edition. Asheville NC: Rorschach Workshops.
- Pieters, A. (2005). Psychoanalytische indicatiestelling: een Rorschach studie bij het Nederlands Psychoanalytisch Instituut. Amsterdam, stageverslag o.b.v. Jolien Zevalkink
- Ree, W.E. van der (2001). Rorschach en het Comprehensive System. Amsterdam, interne notitie t.b.v. het Nederlands Psychoanalytisch Instituut.
- Smid, W. & Ruiter, C. de (in druk). Dutch Norm Samples. Journal of Personality Assessment.
- Weiner, I.B. (1998). Principles of Rorschach Interpretation. Londen: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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ISSN 1382-516x
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