Hoe moeders in beeld blijven
Like many other analysts, Robert Emde emphasizes the importance of the affective climate of the earliest mother-infant bond in constituting the first experience of self and the earliest images of the mother-object. Emdes particular contribution in this field is to be situated in his thorough observation and conceptualization of several biosocial building-blocks and developmental principles that play a crucial part in facilitating a mainly positive-toned relation between the child and his or her carer in the first months of life. The building-blocks he describes are self-regulation, affective monitoring and social referencing; the developmental principles are development of self and others, development of a notion of past and future, development of the idea of causality, and language development before the acquisition of language.
In clinical practice, the earliest affectively toned self-experience and object image leave their traces. Changes are indicative of therapeutic progress.
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